Monday, November 14, 2011

Taytum is here

Our little miracle is here!!! Life will never be the same. Taytum Rae Jones was born 11-01-11 @ 6:10am and was 7lbs 8ozs 21inches long! Labor and delivery was a good experience and nothing like I expected. My Dr wanted to induce me because my body was acting like I was having my 2 or 3 baby and was Dr was afraid of how fast I was going to have her. We got to the hospital on 10-31-11 @ 8pm and got my IV started and all the paperwork done. The dang IV took about an hour and a half to get in and was the worst pain of everything. Once that was done everything else was good. Got my epidural (heaven!!!!!) and I was progressing just as fast as the Dr thought I would. We had one little scare where Babys heart rate dropped for about 2 minutes. Pretty scary to be woken up with 5 nurses over you all doing something and trying to act like nothing is going on. When that happened the nurses told us that the Dr was watching everything on a monitor at home. He later told us he was sitting in his door way handing out candy to the trick or treaters while watching how baby and I were doing on he monitor. We thought that was pretty neat. About 5:30 the nurse said well let see where you are at, pull the sheet back and says "wow theres baby's head! we are ready to have a baby I need to go call the Dr!". Such a weird feeling and words I still at that point I never thought I'd hear. Dr showed up and everything was ready to get baby out after about 10 minutes of pushing we heard the sweetest sound of Taytums cry! The cord was wrapped around her neck which is why her heart rate had dropped but she was perfect! Such an amazing feeling when they placed her on my chest. I just started crying. Knowing just moments before she was with my Grandma and Brandons grandparents and they all gave her big kisses and sent her to us is a wonderful feeling. Brandon and I are on cloud 9 and never want to come down. The rest of the hospital stay was great. I got a foot message, we got a way nice celebration steak dinner and Taytum got a little photo shoot. (I will post those when I get them). Its amazing how someone so little can change your whole world in a short amount of time. We love our little Taytum Rae so much. Thanks to all who came to visit us and brought us meals once we got home.

At 4 days old Taytum went to her first of many football games!! Daddy called her their good luck charm because the games wasn't going that great and then Taytum showed up and they won in OT. We will see if her good luck magic works again this weekend as we go to Reno for the state game.
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Crazy life

Once again this is more for myself since I don't write in a journal like I should.

Its crazy how life works out. A year ago this weekend Brandon took me to Park City for the weekend because I needed to get away. I was at one of my lowest of lows in life. Seemed like nothing was working out and I just wanted to give up on everything. I was having a hard time with not being able to get pregnant and was tired of Brandon and I both having to deal with it. When Dr's tell you that YOU are the reason you can't give your husband kids and he is "normal", it hurts. We had committed that year we were going to do everything we were supposed to as far as going to church, the temple, tithing, ect and it was like the harder we tried the further away we got to having kids. I would tell Brandon all the time that maybe we should just call it quits on our marriage because it wasn't fair what he was having to go through because of me. Both of us shouldn't be having to go through this. He would tell me how crazy I was and he married me for me not just to have kids. I wonder all the time how I got so lucky to have found such an amazing man.
Fast forward to the same weekend a year later and who would have thought I would be having a baby any day now! It still doesn't seem real or possible that within a year I have gone from the lowest point to one of the highest points in life. This has been the most amazing past 9 months of our lives. We have been so blessed and know Heavenly Father has been right there making sure everything goes as he planned. I have not worried one bit that something would go wrong. Ive had the most calm feeling that everything would be ok and that the baby would be ok. Going through IVF you are always waiting for the bad news but I haven't had that once we got our positive blood test back. We are so excited to be taking tho next step in life and can't wait for Taytum to finally join our family.
Thanks to all of our family and friends who have been there for us over the last 5 years as we have been on this crazy roller coaster called life. We love you all and can't wait to show off our little girl!! Hopefully soon.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Taytum Update

On Friday September 23, I had a Drs appt to check and see how the baby and I are doing. My Dr was going to be out of town so I saw his PA. I have been having some pain up under my left rib area. It doesn't feel like its the baby kicking its like a burning/muscles being ripped apart. Not very fun. I mentioned this to the PA and she said "oh it probably just your baby". She did the normal measure my belly and said lets get some blood work and put you on a monitor just to make sure there isnt anything out of the normal going on. They hooked my up and waited 20 minutes and the PA came back and looked at the print out of results and said" oh my you are having contractions every 1-2 minutes get to the hospital now!" Brandon and I looked at her and were like what? I wasn't feeling anything other then the pain under my ribs. She said she was calling the hospital to let them know we were on our way but we needed to get there now. We looked at each other and were in a daze and headed to the hospital. I called my mom to see if they were going to meet us at an ultrasound appt we had and told her we werent going to make it there because of what was going on. The whole time Brandon and I were like should we be nervous, worried, or scared. We didn't know if we were going to go have baby or what. We got to the hospital and told them our dr sent us because I was having contractions every 1-2 minutes and the looked at me like are you really? They hooked me up to their monitors and sure enough I was still having contractions but I had no clue. After 3 rounds of shots they were able to get them to stop. It was such a weird experience. I wasn't nervous or freaking out. They put me on bedrest for the weekend and said if I had any more contractions to go back in. We laughed because I said I didn't know I was having them to begin with. I had to go back on monday because my pain under my ribs was back and pretty strong and had to have 2 more rounds of shots to stop contractions again. I saw the Dr Tuesday and he put me on a pill to try to get them to stop and keep Taytum cooking for 2 more weeks. He's hoping I make it 2 more weeks but said she might come anytime and will most likely not make it to Nov.6. Brandon and I were joking that after all this the little stinker is now going to hold on and I will go over my due date. I see the Dr Thursday to see whats going on. Its crazy to think she is actually going to come and we are going to have a baby.

Taytums BBQ

On September 10 we had a BBQ celebrating the soon arrival of our sweet Taytum. It was everything I wanted. Low key, good food, good company and a good time. A lot of our friends and family were able to make it and spoiled our little girl. I was mad I forgot to pull out my camera until towards the end but at least my brother zack was able to get some good pictures. Thanks to all who were able to make it out. It meant a lot to us. Now we wait for her to come.

AZ Football Game

Back in August Moapa Valley Football team was invited to play in a game against the AZ 3A state champs at the AZ Cardinals stadium. It was such a fun and once in a lifetime experience for the team. Stayed in a 5star hotel, while the guys were at practice or team meeting us wives were out shopping. I told Brandon I could get used to that life if he was to go on and coach at a higher level. We both know that I really couldn't because of the time we would spend apart but it was fun for a weekend. We went on a tour of the stadium, the boy got to go in the locker rooms that the NFL players use and play on the same field as guys they watch on tv. It was a really neat weekend ant to top it off we won! Moapa was the first Nevada team to win this game. Bishop Gorman has gone the past few years to play the 4A but has lost. They did win this year which was cool both Nevada teams won.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Please come celebrate with us!

I do not want a traditional baby shower so we are having a BBQ. We want to share this special time with all our friends and family. Come join the fun and excitement!

****** If you plan on coming, we moved the time back to 6. With as hot as it has been we don't want everyone to die of the heat!*********

Monday, August 22, 2011


I've been a HUGE slacker!! This is like 5 months in one. And because I am tried of trying to rearrange the pictures its going to be out of order.

In August we had a birthday party for my littlest sister Mackenzie. We went to king putt and had a little party at my parents house with a few of her friends.

June, My little brother Zack graduated high school!!

May 7th My little sister Jordan married Rowdy! We are happy for them and excited to have Rowdy in the family.

We went with Brandon Lindsey Colton Zack and Kenzie on a trip to the shark reef!

In May, Zack had his Court of Honor and officially received his Eagle Scout. We are so proud of Zack and all the hard work he put in.

In June we took a trip down to San Diego for 2 Braves games. It was a fun weekend hanging out and exploring San Diego.

Ok I think Im caught up for now. Still have to blog about the awesome weekend we had with the high school football team this past weekend but that will be done by Friday. It need a post all of its own it was that awesome!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Just a few thoughts

Just a few things I'd like to jot down for myself.
Today would have been my Grandma Waters 75th birthday. It also marks 2 years since Heavenly Father called her home. While I miss her so much and it doesn't get easier with time I am reminded of her all the time. I am reminder of her a lot through her daughters, My mom and my aunts. To me, my Aunt Tami seems to have my Grandmas laugh. I love hearing Aunt Tami laugh. Grandma loved to sit back and laugh at all of the silly thing we would do.
My Mom has my Grandmas hands. I see my moms hands and its like I'm watching my Grandmas hands. I remember sitting in church in Alhambra when I was little, and tracing the veins in Grandmas hand and realizing I have the same hands as well. My mom has a picture that I will always cherish of her and my Grandmas hands.
Aunt Tedene's sense of humor. I don't ever remember a time where my mom, grandma and Aunt Tedene and I weren't laughing to the point of peeing our pants. From the time Grandma had knee replacement and we realized from her room windows we could go to the waiting room and make faces at each other. Or the "bright idea" light in the hospital rooms. We were always able to have a great time together and laugh.
I feel so blessed to have had her as a Grandma. I hope I make her proud with the things I do and cant wait until we all get to be together again. I know she is having a great party today and having fun with Zoey, Taytum, and Wyatt and all her other great grand kids that will come.
We Love you Grandma and promise to always take care of Grandpa.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Taytum Rae Jones

We had our 16 week a week and a half check up and Dr said everything was looking great. He said he was leaning towards a girl. We had an 3d ultrasound right after that appt and they confirmed 100% girl. It was crazy. The lady had the probe on my tummy for like 2 seconds and was like all baby girl here. I guess when that's what you do all day you can pick that up that fast. It lasted about 30 minutes and was so fun to sit there and watch Taytum play and move around. My Mom and Dad went with us to this one and we will have another one when I'm farther along that all family is invited to. The next day was Saturday and when I had just gotten in to bed and laid down I felt her kick for the first time! It was the coolest thing. Since then I have felt her kicking a lot. Last night I was able to feel her with my hand on my tummy. Such an amazing feeling. Im starting to get a bump and most of my clothes don't fit. One day I will post bump pictures. I have only taken 2. One the day the embryos were placed in and one at 14 week. I was asked at work the other day if I was pregnant. That was weird. It took me a minute to answer. I was like humm yes I am. When you try to get pregnant for years and it finally happens you don't know how to answer those questions. It's like wow yes I am. Something I thought I'd never get to experience. Truly a miracle.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Baby jones update

Baby Jones is doing great! Dr says I'm officially out of the first trimester!! I will be 13 weeks on Tuesday. We had our first OB appointment on Friday which was different because we've been seeing the specialist for so many years trying to have a baby and now some other Dr is going to get the credit for delivering the baby. Just seems weird. At our appointment the Dr did a quick ultrasound taking measurements and was done. It was fast and not what I was used to. They asked if we wanted the NT blood and ultrasound to check for downs. I looked at Brandon and said I don't care what the results would be I want another ultrasound, so yes! We got a 45 minute ultrasound and it was so fun to sit there and watch our baby. Baby just wanted to sleep though so they had me go to the bathroom, drink water and lay on my sides. At the end they told us it looks like we are having a little GIRL! They will confirm in 4 weeks but were pretty confident its a GIRL. Little Taytum Rae!. Brandon and I still don't agree on the spelling but that the name. What do you all think (the 3 of you who still read our blog) Brandon likes Taetum and I like Taytum. It finally hit me Friday afternoon as I was shopping for girl clothes ( yes I couldn't wait) that I am going to have a baby. That all of this isn't just a dream. I knew one day it would happen and now that it is happening it just seem so crazy. We truly feel so blessed for everything we have gone through to get to this point. Now if November will just hurry and get here!

April adventures

April was a WAY busy month for us. Seemed like everything was crammed into one month. We Started off with the good old Clark County Fair and Rodeo which Brandon and I help out at. I'm in charge of one of the stages. Very stressful but fun. This year Brandon helped out in the cash office. Mixed in that week Brandon had a home track meet. Then we went back to work for a week, had another track meet then we hopped on a plane with our very good friends the Lewis' and headed for Hawaii for a week. They invited us to stay in their timeshare with them. We had a very good time but decided we don't take vacations, we take adventures. We had a good time exploring the island, searching for waterfalls (some we found, one we didn't after hiking down hill and then back up about 4 miles) and hanging out. We sure do have awesome friends to have invited us along and had a good time with. May is looking to be a busy month too. My sister Jordan is getting married next weekend and my little brother if receiving his eagle scout after all his hard work. Im so proud of both of them and when I get a chance to breath I'll blog about it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Baby Jones @ 8wks 4days

Here's a video of the heartbeat. You cant hear it but its the little flicker in the middle.

Friday, March 25, 2011

6 Years and them some

6 years ago today I married my best friend! It has been an amazing 6 years and I'm so excited for the years to come. Brandon has a surprise date tonight and I cant wait to see what he has planned. But our real gift to each other was doing IVF again and our present will be here around Nov. 8 2011.
We feel so blessed that it worked this time. I did not want to go through all the shots and blood work all the time but I'm sure glad I did. Things just went perfect this time. Now keeping our fingers crossed they continue to keep it that way.

I love you Brandon. Thanks for all you do and have done for me.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


February turned out to be a very exciting month. Moapa took State in 3A basketball!! I'm going to be honest, I was not excited for basketball and was a little happy when they would lose and would hope they wouldn't make it to play offs. But I am glad that they won and although it was a very bust season, it was worth it to see the boys and coaches so excited.
Everyone knows when a sports team out here takes state, the whole town celebrates. Fire trucks, lights, sirens and a whole parade through town. Brandon drove home with me but wanted to get on the bus at the top of the freeway for all the fun. Whit and Kenzie ( who only went to a few games but they were the important games and the team won, can we say good luck charms??) wanted to come out and see all the hoopla, were excited to see how a small town supports their teams. So we ( Brandon me whit and kenzie) follow the bus from Vegas and we got off the freeway and the bus stopped so Brandon could get on. We hurry switch around Brandon to the bus and me to drive our fancy new car. I get in the fancy new car and go to drive and the car wont go. By now the other buses and all the fire trucks and all the people are driving away and we are stuck in the middle of the rode and I realize my car key is in Brandon's pocket on the bus! In my new stupid fancy car you don't put a key in the ignition it just has to be in the car to make it go. It will stay running if you get out but will not go. All this happened within like 2 minutes and there was nothing I could do. It was to loud for Brandon to hear his phone when I was calling and its not like they would have stopped the whole parade to bring me back my key. Thank goodness our friends the Lewis' saw us and stopped to help push my car out of the middle of the road and we met the team at the high school. Poor whit and kenzie missed out on the whole parade. Oh well looks like they will have to take state next year.
February was a good month and March should be too. Brandon started track and we have our 6 year anniversary.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Out with the old in with the new

Dear Elantra,
I bought you with 24,000 miles on you in 2005 and we have had some Great adventures and some good accidents. You have been a good car and have saved my life 2 times. We felt it was time to put you to rest since we drove you into the ground putting 184,000 miles on you. Thanks for being such a great car but we had to replace you with.......................


Dear Maxima,
You have big shoes to fill. You better live up to all your great reviews and we are excited to take you on MANY fun adventures. I hope all the pain and tears it took to get you was worth it because I NEVER want to buy a car again.
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