Today is my moms birthday! I love her so much and she has always been there for me. She has listen to me when I needed her the most. She is an amazing women who has brought 6 kids into this world. She is everything and more that you would want a mom to be. She has always done without so her kids didnt have to. She is my best friend. I love when I get to spend time with her. Now that I dont live close I realize how much I took that for granted. I know its only an hour away but sometimes it seems like longer. Mom, I love you so much and thanks for all you have done for me. I wouldnt be the person I am today if it wasnt for you. You have alway been there and been my biggest cheerleader and supported me in all my decisions. Thanks. I hope when I a mom I can be half as good as you! I Love You so much!!!